Q: 问个po审批层次的问题
在po中定义了审批层次,我想问一下,在采购订单提交审批的时候,按照什么样的规则提交给不同层次的审批者?比如:一级a,二级b,三级c,b有5000元的最高审批权限,那么c做的采购订单什么情况下会由a来审批呢?超出5000元么?是由b转给a ,还是直接发送到了a????
A: 没有试验,不知道如下是否满足你的需求
3)设置文档类型的Foward Method的属性。如果超过5000,直接到A,那么将Forward Method属性值设为Direct。如果需要B转交,那么将Forward Method属性值设为Hiberarchy
Q: 怎样指定审批层次的默认审批人
因为公司同时使用了HR和PO模块。在HR模块中处于同一个position(PA)的有多个人(MA,MB,MC等),这个position在采购的审批层次中,而这个position的几个人中,只有一个(MB)负责采购审批业务。 问题在于:用户提交单据的时候,发现审批路径上的人默认的时MA,而不是MB,这个用户带来很大的困惑。 请问是否有什么可以预制文件或者设置的地方,将MB设定为默认的审批人呢?
1) 如果是11.5.9版本,没有这个功能,以字母的ascii码顺序默认审批人。
参考Metalink:Note 106596.1
Another method that must be considered is one where the application choosesthe forward-to person when multiple employees are tied to one position. Theapplication will select the forward-to person based on alphabetical nameorder. Here is an example to better clarify how the system chooses the nextapprover name when multiple approvers are assigned to one position:Position: ClerkEmployees Assigned: ManyReports To: Vice President, MaterialsPostion: Vice President, MaterialsEmployees Assigned: Dough, John S.Smith, Bob A.In this example, if a clerk chooses the Approve button without entering aforward-to person, and the next position above the clerk is theVice President of Materials, the document would be routed to John Dough.John Dough is selected because the system will choose the employee assignedto the position in alphabetical order, and since Dough comes before Smith,John Dough is selected. Therefore, unless the clerk selects a specificperson to forward the document to, the document will always be routed to thefirst person alphabetically assigned to the position.
2) 如果是11.5.10版本,安装Oracle Approvals Management (AME) ,可以设定默认审批人。
参考Metalink:Note 229663.1
Oracle Approvals Management (AME) is a web–based application which is integrated with Oracle Workflow and which enables you to define business rules to control your approvals processes. With AME, you use the following components to define your approvals processes. They are associated with a transaction type for a particular application.• Attribute – this is a business variable, for example, a salary amount, user ID, or workflow process name.• Condition – a condition compares an attribute value with a set of allowed attribute values. For example, a condition could look at a salary amount. If the salary is greater than a specified value, a particular approver list is created.• Approval type and approval specifications – these components define the type of approver list that is generated. For example, to generate a supervisor–based approver list with 5 levels, you use the ’supervisory level’ approval type with the ’requires approval up to the first 5 approvers’ approval specification.• Rules – a rule links the other components together by associating one or more conditions with the approval type and approval rule