
怎样disable掉Supplier Item Catalog Window中的标签页

怎样disable掉Supplier Item Catalog Window中的标签页
在采购模块中,如果从菜单Supplier Item Catalog进入,输入条件,点击Find,就会进入如下的界面。在这个界面中,如果我只想要用户只能够看到“Requisition Templates”,应该怎样设置呢? 手册有这么一段,但是没有说具体怎么做:

There are four tabbed regions in the upper screen of this folder window,but Function Security can be used to determine whether a user will beable to see all of them.

Subject: How To Restrict Access To Specific Form's Tab In Oracle Applications 11i?
Doc ID: Note:189420.1 Type: HOWTO
Last Revision Date: 05-AUG-2003 Status: PUBLISHED

Goal: How to restrict access to specific form's tab in Oracle Applications 11i?
Fact: Oracle Application Object Library 11.5


Every form's tab represents a function. Function security is controlled by Responsibilities. A system administrator should exclude the form's tab Corresponding function from the menu structure assigned to a responsibility, users belong to this responsibility will not be able to access this form's tab anymore. As an example, the following steps will disable the Costing tab in Orgination Items form for some users:
1. Create a new responsibility and attach INV_NAVIGATE menu to it.
2. Assign the new responsibility to users that will not access the above tab.
3. From System Administrator-->menus-->query INV_NAVIGATE and display the menu tree, drill down items -->Organization Items-->get the display name
of the function corresponding to the Costing tab 'Items:Costing Group'.
4. System Administrator-->Responsibilities-->Define, query the new responsibility and use the Menu Exclusions tab to exclude the function in step 3.
5. Logon to Applications using the new responsibility and navigate to
Organization Items form, the Costing tab is disabled.
